Does a felt hat require maintenance?
A hat is not just another accessory. It is a timeless accessory that passes from generation to generation without losing any usefulness or style. That is why these kind of pieces require a certain amount of care so that they do not get damaged and can be used as many seasons as you want.
Now that we are in autumn and at the beginning of winter, it is necessary to know what kind of maintenance a felt hat requires, whether it is made of hair or wool, those that, if you haven’t worn them yet, you are about to!
What is your felt hat made of?
In order to make a good use and, consequently, to carry out a correct maintenance of the felt hats, it is necessary to know what peculiarities they have and in what type of fabrics they are made.
First of all, you should know that the felt, used in most of the hats made for this kind of weather, has the following particularities
- It is not woven. Felt is a textile material that is made of wool and/or hair fibers. These get entangled with the action of heat, water and pressure, so it is not necessary to weave it.
- Therefore, it does not fray.
- There are two types of felt:
- Wool: it is the cheapest material, it keeps the color perfectly and it resists the daily use.
- Pile: its finishes remain intact over time, it is more resistant and better made. Within this variety of felt, there are many types: rabbit, hare, beaver, etc…
Once we know the characteristics that the felt hats have, we go on to specify 3 indispensable tips for the maintenance and care of them.
Cleaning a felt hat
This time of the year is characterized by cold, wind, rain and low temperatures, and it is precisely these elements that can damage the fabric of a hat to a great extent. Therefore, it is necessary to know what we can do to keep them intact and continue using them without problems.
Cleanliness is, at least, fundamental.
Very important: felt hair hats cannot be washed by hand and of course, never try to wash them in the washing machine!
And then, how to do it?
If you want your felt hat to look like the first day, it is essential to brush it regularly so that it does not accumulate and stick particles that deteriorate it. It is very important to always follow the anti-clockwise direction, that is, following the direction of the hairs, starting from the brim and making circles as you approach the center of the crown.
Which is the right brusht?
There are different types of specific brushes for the care and maintenance of the hat. We recommend that you use a curved one and that it is specially designed for hat maintenance.
If you have different felt hats, it is important that you use two different brushes, one for the light felt hats and another for the dark ones. This way, light hairs will never mix with the dark ones.
You can also apply a lint roller to remove the dirt, as long as it is used gently to avoid deforming the hat.
What if it gets wet?
Since it is a rainy season, if your hat gets wet, remove the excess of water. Let it dry outdoors and, if possible, use a hat shape or large pitcher to hold it and prevent the brim from being crushed and the top or “pinch” of the hat from being deformed.
What to do about odors?
To remove body odors, use the steam from the iron, bring it close to the hat and throw steam inside and outside the hat, making small circular movements with your hand.
Never leave your hat on top of a heat source.
A very common mistake that must be avoided.
Due to the characteristics of this time of year, it seems intelligent that, if the hat is wet, the best option is to dry it by placing it on top of the radiator, stove or heat source… DON’T! Never place your hats too close to direct sources of heat, as they can damage the manufacturing materials and can deform the hat and make it totally unusable.
In these cases, be patient, dry it naturally in a ventilated place and use a different one the next day.
Prevent malformations
To help preserve the shape of a felt hat it is recommendable to hold it by the brim. Of course, make sure your hands are as clean as possible. If you usually hold it by the pinch of the crown, this can create a tear in the fabric or make it become asymmetrical.
In case your hat is crushed, place it on a hat-shaped object or on a round jug and use a vaporizer. Once it reaches the original condition, let it dry. Remember: stay away from direct heat sources!
How do you store them?
Once the winter is over and the good weather starts, it is usual to want to change the felt for more summery fabrics such as straw. By that time, what is the best way to store them? Without any doubt, with a hatbox, specially designed so that the hat has its space and rests flat.
The best way to place it is upside down. This way, the weight will fall on the crown and not on the brim. Make sure that there is no object around to press it and that the brim is correctly positioned. Constant pressure or poor positioning for long periods of time can deform the brim and the crown. Don’t get an unpleasant surprise next season and keep it in the best condition!
Another option is through the hat wall, which we talked about in a previous post “Hat wall, the new trend among hat lovers”, take a look at it for more information!
These three tips will help you extend the life of your felt hat so you can wear it season after season. We recommend you to browse our website to find your ideal felt hat for the winter, you are still on time!
Fernández y ROCHE.
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